
Friday, 31 July 2020

Louis Vuitton or Coco Chanel? (designing)

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. For this task I had to make a design for Louis Vuitton and Coco Chanel. It was fun and challenging. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Statistics Investigation 3

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. Today is our last day of learning about graphs and statistics. I was working on what team 4's favourite holiday. I hope you enjoy my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Famous French People Facts

Hi everyone, it me Finau and this is my facts task for today. I wrote 4 facts about famous movies and people in France. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Famous France Research

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. So today we are learning about famous people and famous movies in France. I had so much doing this because some of the movies were my favourite. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Statistics Investigation 3

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is maths task for today. You all know what we are learning about so I don't have to tell you. Just look on my other blog posts and you will understand. So I got the second to last page wrong (sorry). Look at the page. I got it right this time. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

French Animals Facts

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my fact task for today. I wrote down some really interesting facts about animals in France. Some of these animals are some animals I know about. I'm gonna give you a little challenge. Tell me in the comments what is your favourite animal from France. I have 3. Flamingos, French Bulldogs and Dormouse. I hope you enjoy these amazing facts. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

France Animals Research

G'day everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. Today we are learning about animals in France and the wildlife. This is a slideshow of all the animals (I know) in France and some cool things about them. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Complex Sentences 2

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my writing task for today. So as you all know we are learning about complex sentences and simple ones. This one was the same one as yesterday but it had different photos. The picture of the first page is really insane and instance. Anyway I hope you like my writing task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Decimal Magic Squares

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. So this maths task is something extra. I did this one last night with my Dad and we had so much fun. We were trying to fill in the gaps and we were trying to see who would figure out the number first. I did the last full box. This is all about decimals and I'm just working on them because I want to improve. I hope you like my maths task (extra). Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Versailles Gardens

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. I had to create another Versailles Gardens. If you don't know what that is, then that is something in France and it's famous garden and a famous landmark. I had so much fun creating it and making it. The picture that looks like the a drawing is mine and the one that looks real is the one I tried to create. I know I always say that I have fun with everything but I have fun with all the work I do. Here's a link to Gardena. That's the link I used to make this garden. I hope you enjoy my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Statistics Investigation

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this my maths task for today. So today we are learning about statics and graphs. I created my own graph about brands and it was so fun to make. I actually had a lot of fun fining out some of the new and coolest brands in the world. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Pbye!

French Landmark Facts

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my facts task for today. So today I wrote down so fast about landmarks in France. It was really hard (when it shouldn't be) because I was struggling to find so facts but with the help with some of my friends I got it finish. I hope you like my facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

French Landmarks Research

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. SO today we are learning about landmarks in France. I'm really happy that we are doing landmarks in France because  know one and everyone knows it. The Eiffel Tower. Anyways I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Design your food plates

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So we had to pick some food that people eat in France and we had to draw and make them. We didn't make them in real life. I made Chocolate souffles, Boeuf Bourguignon and Salade Niçoise. I had so much fun doing it and I hope you like my dresign tas. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Complex Sentences

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my writing task for today. So I really liked this task because we had to write some simple sentence and some complex sentences. It was so fun and funny because of the photo's. The photo (or gif) on the first page was really funny. I hope you enjoy m writing task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Statistics - making statements 2

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. I love this maths task so much. You guys already know it's about making statements and statistics an all that stuff but we did something really cool. At the end of this google slide. Go to the end of the page and you will see a  video and a Pie graph. I made that Pie graph. Watch the video if you want to know how to make a graph. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

French Food Facts

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my facts task for today. So I wrote down 4 facts about French food. My favourite fact was fact 2 and the fact that I thought that was interesting was fact 3. I hope you like my facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

French Food Research

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. So today we are learning about French food. I really like learning about the food that other people in the world like to eat. I was shocked when I heard that French people eat snails. It's important for them so no one should mock it. Anyways I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Monday, 27 July 2020

France Poem

F: rance is a great place

R: eally it is

A: wsome animals

N: eighbours with italy

C :ool food

E: iffle tower

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my writing task for today. I was so happy when I saw that the writing was about poems. I love writing poems and I enjoy reading them.  This poem is about France and all the amazing things in France. Here's a link to a poem I wrote about my mom (my favourite poems are about my family). I hope you like my writing task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

ILF: t-shirt Design

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So today we had to design a t-shirt about France. I wrote '' I love (I used a shape heart) France'' and I enjoyed making it. You should check out my friend Jade's blog. We both were working on it so hard. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Statistics - making statements

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is  my maths task for today. So today we are learning about bar graphs and statistics and making statements. I thought this one was really cool because we got to create our own graph. I had so much fun. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

France Facts

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my facts task for today. I write down some good, good facts about France. I hope you enjoy my France facts. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

France Research

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. So today and this week we are learning France. France is another European culture that's close to Italy. This is my researching task about france. It has all the information about France. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Friday, 24 July 2020

Italy Stats & Blogging Stats

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. So today we are learning about how much blog posts we have. Insted we are learning about how much blog posts Angelica blogged. Angelica blogged at and a lot and I'm really impressed. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Create your own Pizza!

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So today I had to design my own Pizza. We had to do Pizza because Pizza comes from Italy and we are learning about Italy. I write down all the ingredients and I drew a Pizza. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italian Food facts

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my facts about food in Italy. My teacher Mr Goodwin wrote a facts for me, (it's fact 3). My favourite facts was fact 1 because it was talking about Ice Cream. I hope you like my facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Blogging Winner

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and today I want to talk to you about winning a certificate at our team 4 assembly. So as you know I have been doing the Holiday Blogging Challenge and I had so much fun doing it. I did every single challenge because I wanted to finish everything. After all that work it paid off and it was worth it. I got a Certificate at our Team 4 assembly and I got 2 chocolates and 1 whole big chocolate bar. I also got 2 certificates. I gave 1 to my friend Emeline. I hope you like this blog post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italy Food.

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. So today we are learning about food in Italy. I wrote down some things about Pizza, Spaghetti Bolognese and Gelato. I like Gelato because it's Ice cream. I like eating Ice cream. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Animation Planner Term 3

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my animation for term 3. Create a tourism video to encourage people to visit your chosen country. And I choose Canada. I know some things about Canada and Canada is a cool country. I hope you like my animation planner. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Missing Pet!

                              Baby Giraffe Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

Guess what? I had to clean my bedroom before I could go play with Chole. She is really tall and she is quite shy. I ran down the stairs so fast that I nearly fell. I opened the door like I just came from a place that didn’t have fresh air. I ran and ran and ran to the other side of our backyard. When I got there something happened. Something really bad happened.

Chole is gone! What! I’m just confused. I thought I tied her up to the tree or the big strong stick next to the tree. Wait, she might just want to surprise me or give me a fright. I get it. I (long I) get it real good. I hid behind a tree for 5 seconds (I counted to 5 so I can remember) and then I jumped out.

I wished my coach was there to see my beautiful jump and landing. I landed on my feet to make a big stomp to get Chole’s attention. I looked and looked, but she wasn’t to be seen anywhere in our backyard. Now I’m really sad and scared and upset. I need to find where she is. She might be hungry or cold or whatever. I just really need to find her.

I sat down on the swing and I swung myself but usually Chole would be here pushing me. I tried to think a plan up to find Chole. Chole is like my good friend and she has been here for me ever since I was 5 and now I’m 10 (turning 11). 6 whole years with Chole but now she’s gone. I think I got a good plan.

I ran up stairs to get some paper and coloured markers to draw a poster. I drew the picture of Chole and I wrote it down lost. I hope everyone understands what the poster means. Plus, everyone plays with Chole somedays. I also got some taupe too. I printed out 10 of them to stick on trees. Off I went looking for Chole and sticking up some posters. I went to some of my neighbours house and to my friends house. I showed them the poster and then I asked them if they saw Chole today. The bad news is that they haven’t seen her. 

I thought it would be easy. I guess not. I tried everything. I tried looking around the backyard, making some posters, asking some people and still no sign of Chole. I feel like giving up. I’m so tired and sad. I miss Chloe. I start to cry and walk around the park. I sit down on some chairs then walk around the field. 

I start to play in the park but I don’t feel like playing because it’s really bugging me that I can’t find Chole. I climb up the slide to have a better view and to see if Chole might be running around the field. I look around and just sit on the slide. Suddenly something started moving in the back of me. I hope it’s Chole. It’s Chole!

Oh I laughed and giggled. I told Chloe I was so glad that she came back. I’m also gonna ask her where she go. You care about that, I’m just so happy she’s back. Everyone came to the park to celebrate the returning of Chole. By the way, she’s a giraffe. Believe it or not I have a Giraffe. At first it was crazy to me but now I love having a giraffe living with me. Today was a interesting and insane day.

Animals in Italy - Habitat

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So for this task we has to pick either a bear or a wolf. I picked both. Then we had to make a habitat for them because they are endangered animals. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye! 

Thursday: Italy Stats

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. So we are still learning about bar graphs but I think it cool to learn about so when you are in college or a work and someone gives you a bar graph then you can answer it and understand it. This task was a good simple one because you just had to answer the questions. I like simple. I hope you like my maths task. PLease leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italian animal facts

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my task about facts about animals in Italy. When I was writing down some of the facts, I was pretty shock because I didn't know about that type of animals facts in Italy. I hope you enjoyed my Italy animals facts. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italy Animal Research

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. Today we are learning about all there animals in Italy. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Fighting a Tiger in the Colosseum

File:Colosseum in Rome, Italy - April 2007.jpg - Wikipedia

I was ready to go against someone in the colosseum. I know it’s scary but I’m gonna do it. I don’t know who I will be versing but I hope I win. I have faith in myself. Any second now someone will come out. I thought someone was gonna come out but some people had some problems.

While they were trying to get the person out, I tried to think and plan what I should do. It should take me an hour but I only go a few seconds or a minute. Soon someone yelled out ‘’The animal is ready’’ and when I heard, I nearly fainted.

An animal? Excuse me but I thought it was going to be a human being, not a hungry animal that wants to eat me alive. I stood there for a second and thought it wouldn’t be a hungry creature, it might be a kind one. Then that same person yelled out ‘’Ooooh, this Tiger hasn’t eaten for days. He’s hungry. He probably wants to eat that human standing in the colosseum’’ and there I went again. Fain’t (only for a second).

What was I thinking? A hungry Tiger that hasn’t eaten for days. Now me, thinking that it’s not gonna eat me. Will let me correct myself (even though I don’t like to get corrected a lot), it’s gonna eat me. Remember, believe in yourself and have faith.

I started walking close up to see the Tiger clearly. Clearly it wants to eat me. I tried to step back but the audience kept chanting ‘’Move up, Move up. Don’t be scared’’ and I just had to listen to them. After all, I wanted to do this. The Tiger jumped up like he was gonna use me to mop the floor. Instead he fell backwards because the chain was still around his neck. I was so happy he didn’t use me as a mop.

They took off his chain but now he was mad because when he fell down everyone lagged but I didn’t because I’m scared of it. He thought I laughed at him and now he’s angrier than before. He reached the level 10 million. I was so scared but I pulled out the weapon I was given. I hit the Tiger with it.

Oh he fell down and I was so happy because I wanted him to fall and to get dizzy. That’s the time I need to get my other weapons to hit him. I grabbed one out and hit him as hard as I can. Some people say my hits are really weak but some people watched and they thought I improved. As soon as I was gonna hit again it jumped up and scratched me. I fell down and it really hurted. The Tiger started growling and at me. It gave a big, big ROAR!

I couldn’t stand up. I just felt hurt. Some people booed me but lots of other people cheered me on. THey kept chanting ‘’GO, GO, GO. You can do this!’’ I listened to them and I got up on my feet and man, I was ready to fight this crazy beast. People went crazier than the Tiger.

I was so happy that people believed in me. Immediately I grabbed another weapon I had. The Tiger standed up weakly. I standed up strongly. I hit the beast with my weapon and the Tiger fell down. The whole crowd went silent. I yelled out ‘’I did it’’ and everyone started cheering for me and they were so glad I survived. The people who bood me started wishing they didn’t and they cheered me louder than the crowd.

I was glad that the Tiger lost and I won. The Tiger was just injured, it didn’t die. I won a 10 feet trophy and 10 million dollars. People named me the ‘’Beast Slayer’’ and I just couldn’t stop telling everyone.

Arch of Augustus

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So we had to trace around the Arch of Augustus. It was really fun to do and it took we some time to do it but in the end it was worth it. Hope you love my Arch of Augustus. Please leave a positive commnet to my blog. Bye!

Wednesday Italy Stats

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. This is the same thing about yesterday's task but it is about temperature. I'm really getting good at this. This is really fun. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italian Landmarks Facts

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my facts about Italy Landmarks. So I wrote down 4 facts about landmarks in Italy. Hope you enjoy these facts about landmarks. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italy Landmaks

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today we are learning about landmarks in Italy. I think this is a really good idea because I think that we all should know about places in Italy. I hope you like this task about landmarks in Italy. PLease leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Tuesday Italy Stats

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. So I'm actually at home working and finishing off all my work that I haven't finished off. I would've finished it soon but I was so busy. So this maths task is like yesterdays one. It's about  bar graphs and it's talking about how much people are there in Italy. Did you know that that there is a little bit over 60 million people in Italy? I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italians People Facts

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and today I wrote some facts about Italian people. I Hope you enjoy these facts. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italian People and Culture Research

Ciao (HI) everyone, it's me Finau and today we are still learning about Italy. I keep forgetting to tell you you guys, this is my reading task for today. So today we are learning about Italy and their people and their culture. I made a copy of this presentation about Italy and their people. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Buona Sera (GOODBYE)!

Monday, 20 July 2020

Making my writing better

Hello everyone, it's me Finu and today I'm talking about my writing. So I really like writing, but I still need to improve and do better. I had some help from my teacher Mr Hughes. He is a friend of my teacher Miss Parrant. He taught us how not to start sentence with but or and or because. He was teaching us what type of sentences are there. I learnt some much. Here's a pargh from my writing that I fixed. Hope you like it. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 6)

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today I'm gonna be doing another reflection about The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 6). So now I'm reading the last story of the book and I read three chapters. The last story is about 2 boys who want to wag school. That's all I'm gonna tell because I don't want to tell you all of it. I hope you enjoy this video of me talking about The fantastic and amazing Gizmo. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italy Flag

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. AS you all know, we are learning about Italy. Italy's flag has only three colours. It easy to remember and it's easy to recognize. The three colours of the Italy flag is, Green, White and Red. I hope you like my Italy flag. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

A tour around Italy

Italy, sea, houses, cinque terre, mediterranean - free image from ...

As I travel around Italy, I see lots of amazing and great things. Italy is a wonderful place to live in. There’s music, food, games, dances, animals and much more. I’m enjoying staying in Italy. Do you want to come with me on a tour around Italy? Well I hope you do. Let’s go.

As you all know, Italy is known for their yummy Pizza and their delicious Pasta. Pizza was made in 1738 and the person who made the Pizza Raffaele Esposito. He is from Napples in Italy. I’m not really good at making Pizza and knowing how they made it, but I’m good at eating Pizza. I think they roll out the dough and you know, add the sauce and the toppings and all that stuff. When you are done, put it on something (that I don’t know what is called) and heat it up in a place that looks like a fireplace.

After all that talking about food, I feel like eating food. Now let’s move on to what type of music is there in Italy. I know in lots of different countries, people like to sing and that’s something they would like to do. Singing is a passion to all people around the world. Some in Italy are known for a lot of things. These songs will shock you. Italy is known for Pop, Rock, Italian pop and much more. Here are some of the popular music instruments that people play in Italy. They like to play the Piano, The Guitar, The Drums, The Flute and last of all, The Violin. People also like to dance to these songs.

Oh, that was so fun learning about all the types of music and instruments. I think we should move onto what type of games kids like to play. I think kids in Italy like to play simple games that we play here in New Zealand. They might play soccer, baseketball, tag, hide and seek and much more. THey might not play those games. Every kid in every country has a different type of game. Italian kids like to play Uno due tre stella (it likes cops and robbers) and Nascondino (which is hide and seek) and Strega comanda colore (and that is soccer). The most popular game Italian kids like to play is Rody. I think it’s a toy horse and I think it’s big or small. Italian kids really love it.

I have talked about food, songs, games and now I’m gonna talk about animals. Oh, oh, oh, you just don’t know how much I love animals. Well I am scared of some animals but I love animals. There are lots of animals in Italy. In Italy there are dogs, wolves, horses, donkeys, bears and I guess there is more but that’s all I know.

So that’s the end of our tour for today. I hope you enjoyed and I hope you learnt a lot of things in Italy. Well I have learnt lots. Hope you guys enjoyed it. See you soon. Bye!

Monday: Blogging Stats

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and today we are learning about bar graphs and how much stuff we blogged. I found a big trend in my blog post. I remember in year 5 and down, I didn’t really care about my blog posts are what I did with them. I just wanted yo get my work finish but now I’m in year 6 and I care about how much blog posts I got because I’m improving and I’m finishing all my work. I’m shocked that I got over 200 blog post. Maybe at then end of the year I can get up to 500 or 600 or more blog posts. I’m so proud of myself. Hope you like it. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italy Facts

Hi everyone, it's me Finu and today I am doing my facts about Italy. I think I wrote down some very interesting facts. Did you know that Italy's country is shaped like a boot? Well I hope you know that and if you didn't that's alright. I also hope you enjoy learning from my Italy facts. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Italy Research

Hey everyone, it's me Finu and today we are learning about Italy. So the reason why we are learning about countries and their styles, it's because our theme for term 3 is A World Of Difference. I thought that, that idea was a good idea. We all need to know all about ourselves and where we come from. Hope you like this blog post about Italy. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Holiday Research Blogging Pilots

Hello everyone, it's me Finau. So today we are learning about something we want to learn about. WE get to choose and I’m so happy with this idea because I want to learn about something else. I want to learn about PILOTS. When I grow up, I want to be a pilot. Being a pilot would be awesome. You can fly to any country in the world and I can take my family in where in the world. Have you ever been on a plane before? Hope you love it and like it and enjoy it. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thanks to my brother Vaha for letting me using his chromebook. Bye!

The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 5)

Hey everyone, it's me Finau this is my reflection part 5 for today. I already read the whole third book and that book was really strange and funny. I'm talking lot's about the book I read and what happened in the book. I don't want to tell you what happen because I want to use to watch the video. Hope you guys love it. I promise you there will be another vlog about the fantastic and amazing gizmo. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 4)

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is the part 4 reflection of the fantastic and amazing Gizmo.  I read like 2 stories in 2 days. It's not because the chapters are short. It's because I'm really enjoying the book and it's really fun. I will be doing another reflection because I read probably the whole book. Hope you guys enjoy. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Holiday Research Blogging WWE

Hello everyone, it's me Finau. So today we are learning about WWE. WWE is an American integrated media and entertainment company that is primarily known for professional wrestling. WWE wrestlers work hard everyday to get fit and healthy. They also train hard so they can win matches and to win titles. I hope you like this holiday blogging task about WWE. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Research Blogging Bullet Trains

Hi everyone, it's me Finau. How are you guys doing today? I hope you guys are doing very well. So today we are learning about a cool vehicle. It’s not just any cool vehicle. We are learning about Bullet Trains. Trains are fast but this Bullet Train is faster than ever. It’s the fastest train in the world. The Bullet Train got its name from what it looks like and from how fast they are. I think Bullet Trains were made in Japan. If you go on a bullet train, it feels like your face is turning inside out. Have you ever been on a Bullet Train before and do you want to? Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Heart Shaped Rainbow Pretzels

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and today I'm cooking up another yummy recipe. Do you one to guess what it is? Well I'm gonna be cooking Heart Shaped Rainbow Pretzels. Here's a link to the video. Grab all your ingredients you need (I will explain it soon) and grab a grown up and let's start cooking.


Pre rolled dough (or just pretzel dough)


Egg wash

Butter Cream (coloured)

Step 1. You just want to roll out the pre made dough (or pretzel dough) and make it look like a big long line. Not to long.

Step 2. When you done with that try to make it look like a heart shape. Then place they on a sheet pan with baking paper under they pretzels.

Step 3. Brush them with egg wash. That egg wash is made out of beaten eggs and water.

Step 4. I don't really know how long to bake it but she should bake it for but you can bake it for 10 or 15 minutes or maybe when it turns a little bit brown.

Step 5. Well it's baking you can start on working on the butter cream frosting.This is how you make buttercream. Beat 600g sifted icing sugar and 300g butter together with your chosen flavouring and colouring if using, add 2-3 tablespoons of boiling water to loosen and beat until smooth. 

Step 6. So know that you know how to make buttercream, put food coloring in and mix.

Step 7. Pipe each colour onto a plastic wrap. Make sure that they are very close together. After that, roll it all up to make a rainbow log.  Put it in a piping bag.

Step 8. When the Heart Shaped  Pretzels are done, take them out and let them cool.

Step 9. Pipe the rainbow buttercream on the pretzels. Then sprinkle on some sprinkles. Then serve on a plate.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about making Heart Shaped Rainbow Pretzels. Please leave a positie comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Research Blogging Area 51

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and we are learning about something interesting, weird, strange, scary and mysterious. We are learning about Area 51. Nobody really knows what happens there but what we all know what happens there is weird and crazy things. Some of the crazy things that might happen there might be aliens coming and landing their spaceships or zombies coming and taking the aliens and all that crazy stuff. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Research Blogging Pop Art

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and today we are learning about something arty and cool. We are learning about pop art. Pop art is so cool. People can see it when they walk past graffiti art or when they read a comic book. In comic books, you can see a lot of pop art. The pop art in the comic book can tell lots of stories and that’s why I like reading comic books. I have some at home and I like to look at the pictures (which is the pop art). Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 3)

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is the part 3 reflection of the fantastic and amazing Gizmo. There are four stories in one whole book and I think that's cool. I only read 2 chapters this time because the chapters are getting longer and longer. I hope you like this blog post about The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 3). If you like to see more, please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Research Blogging Jawbreakers

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and Today we are learning about something yummy, delicious, sweet and sour. We are learning about Jawbreakers. I don’t know what they taste like but I think they taste like something sweet and sour. They are big and and round. I think they might be bubble gum. Have you ever tasted one? I hope you like my holiday blogging challenge. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Research Blogging Shelly-Ann-Fraser-Pryce

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and today we are learning about Shelly-Ann- Fraser-Pryce. She is like the fastest female sprinter in the world. She has completed in a lot of games at the olympics, (I think). She has 11 medals or more. 9 of them are gold and 2 of them are silver. Do you have what it takes to race Shelly-Ann-Fraser-Pryce? I hope you like my holiday blogging challenge. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Monday, 13 July 2020

Adding Decimals

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today I'm doing a task about adding decimals. So in the holidays (which is happening right now) I want to learn and know more about my maths and I want to do better. So I'm working on my decimals. I want to thanks my teacher (Miss Parrant) for sending me some maths task about decimals. I also like to thank my Dad for helping me with this task. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Research Blogging Bradley Lane Project

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and today we are actually learning about something cool and interesting. Today we are learning about Bradley Lane Project in glen innes. If you don’t know what it is, then it is a place where people do crazy and amazing art, which is called graffiti art. If you live around glen innes or if you go there, then you can see lots of it and you can’t stop looking at it because it’s so cool. I hope you like this task about Bradley Lane Project. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Friday, 10 July 2020

Holiday Research Blogging Sharks

Hey everyone, it' me Finau and this is my holiday blogging task for today. So we are learning about sharks and I was pretty happy with the choice because I have already learnt lots about sharks. Sharks are really big and scary but they are still really interesting to learn about. I'm so sorry I posted late. I was really busy. I hope you like this blogging challenge. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Holiday Research Blogging Tanks

Hi everyone, it's me Finua and today we are learning about tanks. So as you all know, I'm doing the Holiday Blogging Challenge and I'm having so much fun. This task was not really my favourite because I didn't really know what it meant but my lovely and nice mum helped me with it. I hope you like my Holiday Blogging Challenge. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Holiday Research Blogging Spongebob

G,day everyone, it's me Finau and today we are learning about Spongebob. I'm so happy we are learning about spongebob because that was my choice. Here's a link to it. I did lot's of research about it because I really love spongebob. I hope you like this blog post about spongebob. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Holiday Research Blogging Bill Gates

Hi everyone, it's me Finua and today this blog post is about holiday blogging and the person or thing we are learning about today is, (drum roll please) Bill Gates. Bill Gates in the second richest man in the world. So I wrote down so facts and I found some videos and information about him. I hope enjoyed this blog post about holiday blogging about Bill Gates. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Monday, 6 July 2020

I love being a Pt England 2020 Ambassador

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this blog post is about me loving being an ambassador. I was one of the people who got chosen to be one of the ambassadors. The other ambassadors are, Aye, Julianna, Angelica, Atawhai, William and Julius. What I love about being an ambassador is when I get to meet new people and how I get to talk to them. I just love being an ambassador. Some people were not chosen and I felt sorry for them but they are doing lots of cool different stuff like being first place academic winner or sportybots and much more. Please leave a positive comment on my blog and their blog. Bye!

The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 2)

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today this blog post is about The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 2). If you want to check out my first one then check out my blog post. So I read like 6 chapters because I had so much fun reading it. I didn't want to take photos because my camera might exploded (only joking about the exploding part) and I can't take to much photos.  I hope you like this blog post about The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection part 2). Please watch the video because In that video, I give lots of information about the chapters I read. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Holiday Research Blogging KFC

Hello everyone, it's me Finau it is the holidays. I'm so happy that it's that holidays so I want worry about waking up early for school and all the type of stuff. I do miss school and my teachers and my friends. At least I can email them. So I'm doing the holiday blogging challenge and I did this one last holidays. Here's a link to it. Mr Goodwin (Team 4 leader) thought that we all should learn about something that we would like to learn about. Someone wanted to learn about KFC and we got to learn about it. Maybe tomorrow I can learn about Spongebob. In this presentation, there are links, facts videos and things about KFC. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Friday, 3 July 2020

The fantastic and amazing Gizmo (reflection)

Chapter 1, 2 & 3 (the chapters were pretty short and that's why I read 3 chapters).

Vlog about blog post.

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and today this blog post is about a book I'm reading. It's called The fantastic and amazing Gizmo. This book is about a nice and normal boy who stole something and one of his friends told him to but he doesn't want to. He goes and do it. He wishes he never did it. That's all I'm gonna tell you because that's all I know. I hope you like this blog post about my book (that Mr Goodwin let me use and read) about the gizmo. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Certificate Winner

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today I got the certificate for this week. I was caught being good and I'm so happy I got one. It has nice stickers all over it. There are unicorn ones, animals, hearts (there is a ninja on the back of the certificate) and much more. It says '' Finau for putting in awesome effort in all her learning. Well done Finau!'' and I'm so proud of myself. When I walked up to get it, Mr Burt said he heard about how much money I made for the 40 hour famine and I was like thank you for saying that (because I wanted everyone, to know I was in the 40 hour famine and I wanted them to know I made lots of money). Mr Burt is our principle and I really like him because he's kind and funny. I hope you like this blog post about me getting a certificate. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Perimeter 2

Blue Whale Facts

Hey everyone, it's me Finua and this is my task about facts. I wrote down some facts about blue whales. I hope you like my task about the blue whale. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Blue Whale Research

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. Today we are learning about blue whales. I love whales. I hope you like this reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Meet my cousins (nephews)

Malo e lelei and Kia roa everyone, it's me Finau and today my cousins (they are actually my nephews but I want to call them my cousins) came to my house today. They are all boys but it was still fun because they were so funny and nice. We talked lots about ourselves and what our ages were and what schools we go to. They came over to our house because their little sister Malia passed away and it was pretty sad. The funnel is really far and we can't go so they came to stay with us for just a day. The one that is on the chromebook, his name is Soni. The one in the green t shirt, his name isVilliami and the one up on the bed dancing, his name is Aki. I hope you enjoyed this blog post about my cousins coming over (in the photo I included a photo of my sister and my brother because she and he wasn't in it. Their parents and mine were not in it because they were talking to each other in the kitchen). Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Adding Perimeter

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. I'm actually in my car at the laundry mat because we are washing some blankets. The best thing is, is that there is WIFI and I can do my work. This maths task was about adding perimeter. This task was pretty easy to me and just a little bit hard. I hope you like this maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

My friend Kiarah's cast

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this blog post is about my friend KIarah's cast. So it was Matariki day last week on Friday and Kiarah was doing sports. She was playing around and she bumped off 2 year 8 boys. Her thumb is now really sore and it hurts. She was talking about something like signing her cast and that's when I had one of those brilliant ideas. My other good friend Angelica is always prepared and I remembered she had some coloured markers. So I went up to her and take 6 or 5. KIarah was like what are you doing but she knew that I wanted to draw on her cast. She let me and I had so much fun doing it. My other nice friend Jade drew somethings to. I drew, hearts, stars, smiley faces, flowers and much more. I hope you like this blog post about Kiarah's cast. Please leave a positive comment on my blog and on their blogs. At the bottom of the page will have all the links to their blogs. Bye!

Angelica Pt England

Kiarah Pt England

Jade Pt england

A gate to stop sharks from coming to the beach

Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. If you don't know that sharks always attack people when they go for a swim at the beach. If you didn't know, then you should, (I don't really know if they do). You still can go to the beach because sharks would be found down in the deep. This is like a gate or a jail to stop sharks from coming and attacking people. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Great White Sharks Facts

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and  this is my other task for today. It is about facts about the great white sharks. I love doing these tasks about facts because it's really easy and I can learn lots of things about animals. I hope you love my other task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Great White Shark Research

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. Today we are learning about Great White Sharks. I am so happy because we are not learning about octopuses and we are learning about something that is less scary. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Camouflaging Octopus

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this my design task for today. Did you know that octopus can camouflage? Well I think that's cool and I think they do that so they can hide from their predators and when they want to eat something they can just camouflage and eat it without the creature not even knowing. I'm still scared of octopus. I hope you  like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Angles 2

Hey everyone, it's me Finua and this is my maths task for today. It is about angles and I did one like this yesterday. It's the same but when you do this task you have to rotate it. There was 3 tasks like this but I didn't finish off the first on. Here's a link to my friend Angelica's blog post about angles on the first task.I hope you love my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Giant Pacific Octopus Research

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. It is about Giant Pacific Octopus and we had to research some things about octopus and it was really hard because I'm really scared of them. My good friend Jade helped me and I just want to thank her for helping me. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!

Giant Pacific Octopus Facts

Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my facts about Giant Pacific Octopus. I am so scared of sea animals. Not all of them, some of them. One of the ones I'm scared of is octopus. I'm trying to be brave and finish all the work about Giant Pacific Octopus. I hope you like my facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!