Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So this design is a sign and it is supposed to stick on the boat. When they go out on the boat they stick that sign on and it’s supposed to ring really loud and that means that a Manatee us right next to the boat. That’s how the sign will work. I think it’s more of a alert system. I hope you love my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Manatee Alert System
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So this design is a sign and it is supposed to stick on the boat. When they go out on the boat they stick that sign on and it’s supposed to ring really loud and that means that a Manatee us right next to the boat. That’s how the sign will work. I think it’s more of a alert system. I hope you love my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for this week. It is about angles and this task was really hard. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a comment on my blog. Bye!
Solve the word problem (measuring)
Hello everyone it's me Finua and this my maths task for today. It was pretty easy because it's only 1 page. Feel free to leave a comment on my blog. Bye!
West Indian Manatee Research
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. Today we are learning about the west indian manatee. I think that they look like a cow, elephant and a hippo. I'm not being mean, it's just what it looks like to me. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
West Indian Manatee Facts
Hey everyone, it's me Finua and this is my task about 4 facts about West Indian Manatee Facts. I learnt lots about West Indian Manatee and I think they are really cool. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Monday, 29 June 2020
Tracking device for Green Sea Turtles
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So this design task is about creating a new tracking device to track a real turtle underwater. I really enjoyed it and it was really easy. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Swimming with Green Sea Turtles
I went up closer to see what was really there. As I got closer and closer and closer, suddenly a beautiful Green Sea Turtle came out of a rock. I flipped over because it gave me a fright and because I was shocked. When I looked back, the Green Sea Turtle was swimming on the other side of the rocks.
It was like we were having a race because it was going faster than usual. I thought that turtles are very slow. Anyways it turned to the left and I was on her left side which was the best thing ever. As soon as it turned left it faced me and I got to touch it’s face.
The turtle's face was so smooth and a little bit wrinkly. I couldn’t really smell anything because I don’t think people breathe underwater. I don’t know if it was a boy or a girl but I will say that his face was really green. No wonder why people call him a Green Sea Turtle.
I stopped touching his face because it started to swim a bit fast and I had to let go because I can’t keep my hands on his face. I went over to see it one more time before I went back on the boat. What I didn’t realize was that 10 or more Green Sea Turtles were just under me. I was going to past out by that moment but people don’t pass out when you’re underwater.
They came up really close to me because I think they really liked me and maybe they wanted to know who I was. I managed to touch one of their shells and man it was really smooth. It had nice colours on it like, yellow, green, brown and black.
I waved them all goodbye and I tried to tell them I might be back. So it’s not a goodbye, it was a see you later. I was swimming really fast back up to the boat and when I looked down they were all trying to follow me. I thought that was so cute. I waved them a see you later wave and they went back to where they belong. That was such an adventure.
Word Problems (week 12)
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for this week. It is word problems and these word problems are about degrees. I think this maths task was really easy because all I had to do was add the degrees. I hope you like my maths task. Feel free to leave a comment on my blog. Bye!
Green Sea Turtle Facts
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my task about facts about green sea turtles. Today we are learning about Green sea turtles and tomorrow we might learn about something else. I hope you like my facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Green Sea Turtle Research
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this my reading task for this week. This week we are learning about sea animals and I'm really scared of them but I'm not scared of some sea animals like turtles. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Thursday, 25 June 2020
ANZAC Poster
Hello guys, it's me Finau and this my design task for today. WE actually had 2 for today and I wanted to finish it off. This poster is about why you should celebrate ANZAC day and what you should do on ANZAC day. I hope you like my design task. I made a poster like this during lockdown. Here's link to the poster. Bye!
Adding and Subtracting Money
Hey guys, it's me Finau and this my maths task for this week. We actually had 2 and I wanted to finish both of them off, and here I am doing it. So I came after school and I wanted to finish off my work. This maths task is the one I did yesterday but with money. Isn't that cool? It was really easy. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Poppy Design
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this my design task for today. So this task is about drawing a poppy. I really like drawing things and I really like drawing flowers. This flower is a poppy. Poppies are nice and pretty. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
My letter to my family before I go war
Dear family, I’m going to serve in World War 1 because I want to fight for our country. I know it’s going to be hard for me but I really want to go. I promise you I will come back home safely.
To be honest I miss all of you. You guys took so much care of me and now I’m gonna try to take care of myself. I miss the bed, the TV and especially the nice food at home you cook for me. YUM!
I’m still getting ready to go to war but here are some things I could hear, touch and see when I’m at war. I could feel all the dirt and mud all over me and I could see soldiers running and hiding. There is one more thing that I could hear, people running, crying and maybe bombs going off.
I love you all and I hope I see you soon. Stay safe and I’m gonna try to stay safe. I will always have hope when I’m at war. Love you.
I’m still getting ready to go to war but here are some things I could hear, touch and see when I’m at war. I could feel all the dirt and mud all over me and I could see soldiers running and hiding. There is one more thing that I could hear, people running, crying and maybe bombs going off.
I love you all and I hope I see you soon. Stay safe and I’m gonna try to stay safe. I will always have hope when I’m at war. Love you.
From Finau
Word Problems
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. I really like this mathys task because it's really easy and I like doing word problems, (sometimes). Me and my friend Jade were working together on this. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
ANZAC Research Presentation
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. As you guys all know this reading task is about ANZAC. I think this reading task was really easy because I already know lots about ANZAC day. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my other task about ANZAC. So what I mean by other is that this task is one when we have to write four facts about something and these four facts are about ANZAC. I'm so happy we are learning about ANZAC because during lockdown I have learnt a lot about ANZAC. I hope you like my other task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
New Scout Badges
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my design task for today. So I'm actually at home finishing my work I haven't finished off. So this task is about making new scout badges. The reason we are learning about scouts is because some kids from 1914 were scouts. I hope you like my design task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Ham and Cheese Waffle Sandwiches
Hey guys, it's me Finau and today I'm cooking up a recipe for you. I really like cooking things and when I grow up, I want to be a pilot but when I have spare time I can do some cooking because I love cooking as well. This recipe is called Ham and Cheese Waffle Sandwiches. This recipe is so easy. Here's a link to the video, (by the way, the video had 30 recipes but the first one is the Ham and Cheese Waffle Sandwiches). Let's start.
Waffles (not cook)
Step 1: Place a piece of a waffle on a clean plate. Put on cheese and ham and more cheese and more ham.
Step 2: Put another piece of a waffle on top to make a sandwich. Make as much as you want.
Step 3: Put the waffle sandwich on a saucepan on medium heat. Make sure you butter on it before you put the sandwich on the saucepan.
Step 4: Cook the waffle sandwich for 3 minutes then flip it over and do it again.
Step 5: Once it's finish put it on a plate and serve.
And that's how you make Ham and Cheese Waffle Sandwiches. I hope you like it, love it and enjoy it. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
How Pigeons helped soldiers during WW1
Our ANZAC soldiers and British soldiers need birds, but the birds they need are Pigeons. Lots of the soldiers at war needed a plan to gather up important information. A good plan that would outsmart other soldiers from Germany or Italy and all the other soldiers.
Their plan was to have someone but someone who could fly, run and be invisible. They thought of an ANIMAL. And that animal is……….. Pigeon. That is such a good idea because Pigeons can fly, run and be invisible because they can fly through the clouds and no one will see.
Pigeons are nice birds that just fly around and have a normal day. Every country has Pigeons, (maybe). Pigeons are grey, black, orange, red and green. That’s a lot of colours for a little bird. Sometimes I wonder what things are in Pigeons heads.
Let me tell you what Pigeons do to help soldiers in World War 1. They would attach a piece of letter to the Pigeon and tell it where to go. Then the Pigeon will do what it’s supposed to do, fly. After all that flying, it will end up in where the person told it to go.
And that's how our soldiers in World War 1 used a Pigeon to send information. I think that was such a good and brilliant idea because if I was a soldier in World war 1 and I wanted to tell my family so secret things then I would try get a Pigeon and do it for me. There are lots of animals you can use to send important information like Pigeons or dogs or maybe a horse.
Adding and Subtracting
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. It was super easy because it was just adding and subtracting. It was a little bit hard when I had to add thousands and subtract thousands. At least I got it finish. Well done me and well done you guys for maybe doing your maths. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Women, Children and Animal Research Presentation
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. It is about women and children and animals that lived during the war. In this reading task it talks about what does the women do, the children do and the animals do. I hope you love my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Women, Children and Animals Facts
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today we are learning about women and kids and animals in the World War 1. So we are learning about how they survived during the war. Here are some facts about it. I hope you like my facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Math Whizz
Front of the pen:
Back of the pen:
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today the people you made math whizz came to our school and they took photos of us. The lady's name was Chris I think and the girl taking the photo was pretty nice and cool but I forgot her name. My friends Aye, Kiarah, Julianna and Julius were interviewed and they got photos taken of them doing math whizz. Chris asked me some questions and the girl recorded me and she took photos of me. It was so cool. Math Whizz helped me a lot in my maths and I am not good at maths but now I'm getting a little bit better and I might really like maths. The one thing math whizz taught me was time and I really don't know my time and it's hard sometimes but cause of math whizz I'm good at it. After all that the gave us these cool pens that said maths whizz. I really liked the pens and I hope you like it to. This was sort of the same thing that happen to me. A film crew took photos of me and my friends. Here's a link to the post about it, (I even got a nice hat from them). Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Life in the 1914 compared with the life in 2020
1914 was such a long time ago. Now it’s 2020. People back then would use different things and play with different things. 1914 was 106 years ago and that was a pretty LONG time ago. Here are some of the different things compared with 1914 and 2020.
People in 1914 would live in cottages. Inside the cottage would be fireplaces, light that maybe wouldn’t last for long and maybe couches. If there were any poor people, then they would live in a cottage called a slum. Very weird and strange. Some homes had servants who would come and do some work for them.
People in 2020 have amazing houses. People who came from other countries and that didn’t have a house would live in a motel or a hotel. A hotel is a place for people to stay in. You don’t have to be the richest or the poorest to be in any hotel. If you want your own place (house) to live in with your friends or family, then you have to pay for it. In our house, we would have couches, TVs, beds, doors and much more.
Now let's talk about what people ate in 1914. People back then would eat beef and corn and bread and biscuits. By winter, flour would be short of supply. They would only drink water. I bet that lots of the kids wouldn’t like the food, but if any of the other kids back then liked it, I would be confused and ask them, who eat corn everyday for dinner and breakfast. Just know that I don’t always do that.
People now have lots of nice food. In the morning we would have eggs, bacon, cereal and lots of other yummy things. We also drink milk, water, juice and fizzy drinks. Now that's what I call something appetising and delicious. I love all the food that we eat now in 2020 and I bet that the kids from 1914 would love this food. If they didn’t like a thing about the food, then I would ask them “do you even know what yummy food is?” and maybe their reply would be yes or no. Who knows?
We have talked about food and houses. We should move onto clothes. I think that people in 1914 would wear cool and fancy and disco clothes. They would wear long pants and at the bottom of the pants would have a triangle shape. Some of the jackets would be worn by everyone.
In 2020 people would like to wear nice and cool clothes. For example, they would wear brands called Nike and adidas and Fila. Everyone loves to wear Nike shoes because it makes you look cool and amazing. Some adults still wear some clothes from 1914, (maybe, I don’t know).
That was my writing about the difference between 1914 and 2020. I hope you enjoy it and love it. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Adding Distance
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. It is about distance. I did a maths task yesterday and it was similar to it. It was a bit hard but I figured it out and my friend Kiarah helped me (just a little bit). I hope you loe my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Life in World War 1 Research 2
Hello everyone, it's me Finua and this is my reading task about life in World War 1. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Life in WW1 Facts
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my task about life in the World War 1. Yes we are still learning about World War 1 but it's good to learn about so you can know what happen. I hope you like my task about life in the War. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Monday, 22 June 2020
World War 1 Research Presentation
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task about the World War 1. It was pretty easy to do. My favourite part about the reading task was the poppies part because I love flowers and I learnt a lot about poppies. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Converting Distance
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. It is about Converting Distance. I think this maths task was a very easy maths task. Other maths task that I do can be hard but this one was easy. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
World War One Facts
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my facts about the world war 1. This week we are learning about world war 1 and I'm really excited because during lockdown I have been learning about ANZAC and the world war 1. I hope you like my facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Friday, 19 June 2020
Pink Heart Lemonade and Strawberry Ladybugs
Bula everyone, it's me Finau and today I'm gonna show you a Pink Heart Lemonade and Strawberry Ladybugs recipe. Did you guys know that Bula means hi in Fiji? I hope you enjoy this recipe. Here's a link to the video. let's start now.
2 or 3 cups of sugar
Heart shape ice cube moles
Melted chocolate
Step 1: Pour sugar, strawberries and cranberries in a saucepan over medium heat. Then stir.
Step 2: Keep stirring until there is juice in the pan. Put lemon slices in the pan to make the lemonade.
Step 3: Put it in the freezer to freeze.
Step 4: Take it out of the freezer. Get a strainer and pour all the lemonade in the jug.
Step 5: Pour in fresh lemon juice and water in the jug.
Step 6: Use that lemonade you made and pour it in heart shape ice cube moles. Then freeze it until it it turns in to ice cubes (ice hearts). That's how you make Pink Heart Lemonade.
Making the Strawberry Ladybugs
Step 1: Cut the stems or the leaves off the strawberries. Then cut the strawberries in half.
Step 2: Dip half of the strawberries in a bowl of melted chocolate. Then frost some chocolate on the strawberry.
Step 3: Use the leaves from the strawberries and put it under the strawberry ladybug to pretend it's on a leave. Then serve the Pink Heart Lemonade and Strawberry Ladybugs.
I hope you enjoyed the recipe. Please watch the video because it can be very helpful when you make this. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Mothay!
Measuring Problems
Hey everyone, it's me Finua and this is my maths task for today. It is about measuring and it was pretty easy because this task was similar to the one I did yesterday. I hope you enjoy my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Four items found in the Titanic wreckage
Hello everyone, it's me Finua and this task is about 4 items that were found in the titanic wreckage. I'm so sorry that I didn't do any culture greetings. It's because I tried to search some up but It didn't come up with anything. Maybe I can do Fiji in my next post (because I just remembered a culture liker that). I hope you like my task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Crepe Tower
Kia orana everyone, it's me Finau and today I'm will be showing you a crepe tower recipe. I use to blog a lot of recipes on my blog because I found ones, but I found one and now I'm gonna show you how to make it. Here's a link to the video. Let's get started.
3 or 2 cups of flour (it depends of how much crepes you're gonna eat)
tsp of salt
tsp of cinnamon
tsp of nutmeg
cup of milk
3 or 2 eggs (it depends of how much crepes you're gonna eat)
melted butter
Pink frosting
Step 1: In a large bowl, put in, flour, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Then stir with a spoon or a whisk.
Step 2: Make a hole in the middle of the dry mixture and add milk and eggs. Then stir again. Mix it really good to make it look like a pancake batter (but it is a crepe butter).
Step 3: Put it in the freezer to sit for 2 hours. Maybe well it's in the freezer think about what kinda toppings you would put on your crepes.
Step 4: When it's done, take it out of the freezer and leave it on the table.
Step 5: Melt butter on the saucepan over medium.
Step 6: Put 1/3 of the batter in the saucepan. Use a spoon. Don't use your hands please!
Step 7: Tilt the pan for a bit so the crepe can cook evenly. Cook the crepe for 1 minute. Flip it over and cook the other side for 40 seconds. Then sit it a side.
Step 8: Make a lot more, and I mean a lot. Make 40 crepes to make a tower. You don't have to make 40 crepes. You just make 5 or 10.
Step 9: Now it's time to build our tower. Put a thin layer of buttercream on the crepe. Keep doing that until you finish all your crepes.
Step 10: Decorate with frosting and buttercream. Put strawberries and sprinkles around the crepes. And there you have it. A Crepe Tower.
I hope you have enjoyed the recipe and I hope you really like the recipe. Please watch the video if you need help. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Aere ra!
Titanic Sinking animation
Aloha everyone, it's me Finau and this is my animation about the titanic sinking. So the boats hits the iceberg and the boat sinks. It took really long but it was worth it. I hope you like my animation. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Aloha! (that means bye and hi).
Centimetres and millimetres
Kia ora everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. I haven't really finish off much things today at school, because we were welcoming some visitors because I'm one of the 2020 ambassadors. This maths task is about centimetres and millimetres. I thought it was hard because of all the words and numbers, but I just had to understand it and then do it. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. I think this is how you say bye in Maori. Haere ra and bye!
Titanic Research about the titanic sinking
Thaliswoba everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. It is about the titanic sinking. The word I said at the start which was Thaliswoba, that means hi in Rakhine I think. I hope you like my reading task. Please leave a comment on my blog. I don't know how to say bye in Rankine, so Bye!
Four Floating/Sinking Facts
Fakalofa lahi atu everyone, it's me Finua and this is my task about the titanic sinking. So today we are still learning about the titanic but we are learning about how it sinked. I hope you like my task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.Koe kia!
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
4 facts about Icebergs
Writing with my siblings
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and my little brother and sister wanted to write a story. So my little brother is 3 years old and he is going to kindergarten soon and my 7 year old sister was teaching my brother how to write. Their names our Keni and Kefi (Catherine). So they wrote a story about going to school and they wrote we love school and we love teachers. They had so much fun and they wanted me to take photos of them. I hope you like their writing. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today I just want to show you what I got from the film crew Genesis. I think they are maybe a film crew because I google it and it came up with cars and all that stuff, but maybe they are a film crew. They came to our school to take some photos of us. They first set up all the things they needed, like light, cameras and much more. Angelica was really tall so they maybe had to move the camera more up. ANgelica didn't have a real chromebook but now she does and they came over and film her. I think she had to say thank you or she had to ask them questions. They did one to our teacher Miss Parrant because that's our teacher. While that was happening we had to move somewhere else because we were in the way. After that we came back and the man the took the photos of us told us to smile, ot to show him something cool (like a Scratch) and he told us to put headphones on and he told us to take them off. When we were doing that I thought I was a model. We came after lunch time to get our hats and t-shirts. Angelica got a hat and a t-shirt and a hat because it was sort of about her? but at least we got one of their cool hats. I really like wearing them. We said thank you to them for our chromebooks (because I think they were the people who got it for us) and thank you for taking photos of us. They said no thank you and they packed their stuff and went. And that was my day. How was your day? Tell me in the comments below and I will reply. Bye!
Reading Scales
Hey everyone, it's me Finua and this is my maths task for today. I know it's really late but I want to do some of the unfinished work I haven't done. I really don't like maths but a friend of mine which is Angelica helped me a bit (by checking out her blog and I tried to figure out myself) and Angelica says that she likes to help people with their work and it's true. Feel free to leave a comment on my blog. Bye!
Titanic Sailing animation
Hi everyone, it's Finau and this is my titanic sailing animation. My titanic might not look like a boat but this is what I would make the titanic look like. I hope you like my titanic sailing animation. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Ships Journey
Hello, hello hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. So this is about my ship sailing around the sea ahd the ship has to solve problems while it's going. Feel free to leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Titanic Interview
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my writing task for today. ANd yes, I'm still at home doing my work (remember I'm came back from school today). I did a interview with Millvina Dean. I'm just pretending that I'm a doing a interview with Millvina Dean. I hope you like my writing task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Titanic Research
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and I'm just home (just came back after school) doing some of my work that I haven't finished off. This is my reading task. It is about some of the people who survived the titanic. If you like my reading task, please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye.
The 4 people who survived from the titanic
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and today I'm back at school doing some of my work. So today we are still learning about the titanic and today we are learning about some people who survived. If you really think that I did a good job doing my task please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Monday, 15 June 2020
Description about the Titanic
Hey, hey, hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my description about the Titanic. So that means today and maybe this week we are learning about the titanic. I'm at home sick and I have to stay home, but that doesn't mean that I can't do my work. If you like my description about the Titanic please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Friday, 12 June 2020
Lions Research
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. It is about Lions and I learnt so much things about Lions. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
4 facts about Lions
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my 4 facts about Lions. Today we are learning about Lions and I'm really excited because I've learnt some things about Lions and my friend Kiarah loves Lions, so she can maybe help me. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Animals in the Jungle

Hey everyone, I’m Zebra, I live in the jungle with some of my friends. Let me introduce them to you. This is Baboon ‘‘Hi’’ said Baboon. And this is Panda, Hippo and Flamingo, ‘‘ Hello, welcome to our jungle’’ said all the animals.
‘’Last one to the lake is a rotten egg’’ said Zebra. Off they all went running as fast as they could. Baboon tumbled down and Flamingo just walked and I guess everyone else was just mucking around. Zebra got to the lake first and everyone else ran to the lake and they were all rotten eggs.
They were just enjoying drinking the water and talking to each other until they heard something strange run past. Hippo looked over and he saw something come out of another lake close by. He tried to warn all his other friends but they were just too busy enjoying themselves. Hippo was so strong that in one push all the animals were pushed into the lake.
Flamingo started to complain and wonder why they were in the lake. All the animals understood why they had to go in the lake. Flamingo just went on and on and they all yelled at her and said ‘’BE QUIET FLAMINGO!’’ and after that she found out there was something big and wet coming out of the other lake.
She stayed quiet. They all tried to think of something to do. Time was running out and they heard more dangerous animals coming. They all looked at each other and gave each other a smirk. They ran out of the lake like crazy. Flaming screamed so loud that the dangerous animal ran away.
After some hiding and running they got to this place where there was this big cliff. Suddenly a Black Caiman came out of nowhere and they just started surrounding all the animals. Zebra was so scared but she remembered what was a Black Caiman weakness. It was kindness. Zebra started to say ‘‘
We love each other’’ and all the other animals just followed along and they started to say ‘‘You are so kind.’’ The Black Caiman started to get hurt and he asked ‘’ What are you doing’’ and they all said ‘’We are being Kind.’’
The Black Caiman started to fall down and get hit with all those nice, lovely, wonderful words. The Black Caiman was still standing, but they needed a big nice, kind, good word for him to die. They all stopped to think about each other and think about who they were and what they do. They thought of this amazing word.
They all standard proudly and they said all together ‘‘FABULOUS’’ and then the Black Caiman got hurt so badly that he fell off the cliff and then he died. All the animals were so happy and they gave each other hugs.
Finally Panda led them all back to the lake so they could enjoy themselves again. They went around the circle and they told each other what was their favourite part in the fight with the Black Caiman. They lived happily in the jungle forever.
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my writing from a test I did. It wasn't really a test, it was a fake test and I wrote all of this in 40 minutes. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Thursday, 11 June 2020
A stitch in time
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. It is called A stitch in time. This was really hard but I figured it out. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Panda Research
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. Today I have been learning about pandas and I researched somethings about pandas. I hope you like my reading task, please leave a comment on my blog. Bye!
4 facts about Pandas
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my 4 facts task. Today we are learning about Pandas. I think pandas are really cute so I'm really happy we are learning about them. Please leave a comment on my blog. Bye!
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Black Caiman Research
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading task for today. I researched some things about Black Caiman. I hope you like it and please leave comment on my blog. Bye!
4 facts about Black Caiman
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my other task for today. Today we are learning about a Black Caiman (which is a crocodile). I hope you like my 4 facts. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
King Cobra Research
Hi everyone, it's me Finaua nd this is my reading task for today. Today my friend Kiarah and I worked on this together. She is so not scared of snakes but I am. I hope you like our reading task. Bye!
Telling The time (part 2)
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. It is about telling the time and I did one like this yesterday but it was a bit different. This task was a little bit hard but I got it finish with a little help from my friend Kiarah. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
4 facts about King Cobra
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my 4 facts about King Cobra. Today we are learning about King Cobra and they are snakes. I hope you like my 4 facts task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Monday, 8 June 2020
Telling The Time
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. I t is about reading the time and telling the time. I hope you like my maths task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Gorillas Research
Hey everyone, it's me Fonau and this is my reading task for today. Today I researched some things about Gorillars.
4 facts about Gorillas
Hi everyone, it's mke Finaua and today we are learning about animals and the animal we are learning about today is a Gorilla. I wrote down 4 facts about them. I hope you like my facts. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Friday, 5 June 2020
Pompeii Research
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my reading and other task for today. It is about Pompeii Research and I had so much fun doing it. I learnt that a big volcano eruption destroyed everyone and killed them but it was a lovely city.
4 facts about Pompeii
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my 4 facts task for today. We are learning about Pompeii. Pompeii is a city in Italty but is was destroyed by a volcano. I hope you all like my facts and please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Thursday, 4 June 2020
Donut World!
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my Donut World. So we had to make our own kingdom our our own world and I decided to make a Donut World. I hope you like my design and I hope you love it. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Leap Years
Hi everyone, it's me Fi nau and this is my maths task for today. It is about years. It was so hard but my friend Kiarah helped me with it. She is the best friend that I ever had. My friend Jade showed away to do it so thanks Jade (and Kiarah) . I hope you like it and please leave a comment on my blog and on her's. Bye!
Discovery of Chocolate
It was a day like any other day, walking around the houses in the hot sun, until one of my friends came running to me and saying ‘‘come, come, I see something unsal’’ and I went and followed her. We came to these trees that were all around the place and we were really shocked.
We finally found food and we were so hungry. They were like these yellow footballs and they looked very weird. We cut them open and what was in there was this white slimy stuff that looked like fish but when you open the inside of that slimy thing it was these big brown seeds and we thought we could make something with it, like food.
We ran to our parents and to our family and we told them what we found. They were very instead and they wanted to make something with it so we thought and thought and thought. Then I yelled ‘‘Xocoatl’’ and everyone stopped to look at me like that was such a great idea.
Everyone thought that we should make a drink out of it. We took the seeds out one by one and we all worked hard. We let them rotten but not for very long. Then we let them dry out in the sun and and and we mashed them to pieces with a rock. Then we mixed it to turn into liquid. And that was a beautiful drink Xocoatl.
We ran to our parents and to our family and we told them what we found. They were very instead and they wanted to make something with it so we thought and thought and thought. Then I yelled ‘‘Xocoatl’’ and everyone stopped to look at me like that was such a great idea.
Everyone thought that we should make a drink out of it. We took the seeds out one by one and we all worked hard. We let them rotten but not for very long. Then we let them dry out in the sun and and and we mashed them to pieces with a rock. Then we mixed it to turn into liquid. And that was a beautiful drink Xocoatl.
It tasted very different and weird but we started drinking it every single day and we got used to it. Lots of the babies liked it better than water and milk. Everyone carried me and my friends up in the air and they said thank you to us for making a new drink.
It was very hard to make it but all the work paid off. After all of that everyone thought that we were chefs and we could find more food and make things into it. Have a chocolatey day everyone.
4 facts about Aztecs
Aztecs Research
Hey everyone, it's me Finau and this is my researching (this is also my reading task and all those other ones are reading too) task for today. This is about Aztecs and all those people who live in Mexico. Me and my friend Jade did it together and I think we worked as a pretty good team. I hope you like it and please leave a comment on my blog and on her's. Bye!
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Samurai Japan Research
This is my Samurai Japan Research.
July & August (maths task)
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my maths task for today. It is about months, weeks, days and calendars. I hope you like my maths task, please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
4 facts about Samuari
Hi everyone, it's me Finau and today we are learning about Samurai Japan. I wrote 4 facts here about Samurai Japan. Samurai Japan is Japanese Warriors. I hope you like my 4 facts, please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Egypt Research
Hello everyone, it's me Finau and this is my researching task for today. We are learning about egypt and I am having a lot of fun doing this. My favourite part was when I spelt my name in Hieroglyphs. I hope you like it and please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
4 facts about Egypt
Hi everyone, it's me Fi au and today we are learning about Egypt. I had to research some facts about Egypt and I had lots of fun. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Bye!
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