
Friday 21 August 2020

Which famous Canadian would you want to have dinner with and why?


If I got to choose a famous Canadian I would pick all of them but it would be Drake. Drake is a great rapper and all his songs are fun, nice, inspiring and catchy. I love the song God’s Plan and In my feelings. Why I like God’s plan because I love the true plan and it was for all of us to live on this beautiful planet that God created. In my feelings song is a catchy song and you can dance to it. It’s so fun. 

I would have so much fun at dinner with him. I may not want to have dinner because I want to go somewhere else like Disneyland or the Statue of Liberty or whatever but a dinner is fine with me. I might just talk the whole time and I might not even finish my food.

If you didn’t know (which you will know) Drake’s Father is Catholic and his Mother is Jewish. I’m Jewish and I would love to talk to him about all the things I know about God and the bible and all that lovely stuff. I don’t know much about the Catholic because I’m not one but that’s fine.

I don’t know what Drake would like to eat but I would ask him. Maybe he might ask for Bacon Syrup Donuts or Poutine or Canadian Bacon or Butter Tarts or pretty much everything.  I would order the same thing.

That's pretty much why I would have dinner with Drake and that’s are some things I would ask him. I would ask him if he could teach me to sing or rap like he does. If he does anything else cool then  I will ask him if he could teach me how to do it.

Hi everyone, it's me Finau and this is my writing task for today. So we had to write about what famous Canadian we would have dinner with and why. I chose Drake. I hope you enjoy my writing task. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

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